His Amazing Love


I often think back to a time when our kids were small and we had just moved out in a rural area in the Arizona desert. We had two dogs, Snoden and Bandy. Snoden was a Golden Retriever and Bandy was a Springer Spaniel and they were best buddies. They got into a lot of trouble together, too, but I'll save those stories for another time.  

Unfortunately they had to be tied up for a short time while we built a fence. I thank God for allowing me to see what I'm about to tell you.  Remember I mentioned that they were buddies- those two dogs really loved each other! One day I looked out our back window and saw that love in action. Snoden had tangled himself up and could not reach his water. The hose was laying out there and he was pawing at it, he knew what came out of that hose. (although the hose was not turned on at the time.) Bandy looked over and saw what was going on and he quickly went into action to help his friend. He ran over to his own water and dunked his whole head in the water! Then he ran over to Snoden and let Snoden lick the water off of his head! He knew his friend was thirsty and he took care of him. What a great friend!

This brings so many things to mind. One that in creation God not only made the animals He paid close attention to even the smallest detail, He made them really smart. We can also learn lessons from them. And, if  He paid that close attention to details with the animals just think about how much care went into the love and care when he made us! He even created us in His image!  (Genesis 1:27)  "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He them; male and female created He them."

Another thing this story reminds me of, is that Bandy gave water to Snoden because he was thirsty. We also drink water when we get thristy. Jesus told the woman at the well that when we drink this water we will get thirsty again, but if we drink the water He gives we will not thirst again. (John 4:5- 14) He also talks about it in John 6:35. There is something within us that needs what only Jesus can give. Our hearts need Him and Jesus satisfies us in every way.

Bandy demonstrated his love for his friend by helping him.  We have a friend who loved us so much He gave his life for us!  Jesus is that friend- there is no greater love than that! (John 3:16)  "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
   Have a wonderful day and remember how much 
                            God loves you!